1017 \ncannot be found. Would you like to browse for a replacement file?
1018 Cannot Initialize Quicktime. Check your QuickTime installation.
1019 This is not a Movie File.
1020 Maximum Size
1021 Checking Movie File
1025 Create or edit a Movie Annotation
1026 There are no movies to select on this page.
1027 Click the Select Movie button to choose a movie to play
1028 Select Movie...
1029 Movie:
1031 Sound
1032 Click the Select Sound button to choose a sound to play
1033 Select Sound...
1036 Sorry, only uncompressed sampled sound can be imported
1080 Cannot Initialize Video for Windows. Check your Video for Windows installation.
1081 This Acrobat Movie plug-in is licensed under the Electronic End User License Agreement which you accepted when you installed Acrobat Reader or Exchange, except that you may make unlimited copies of the Movie
1082 plug-in and give copies to other persons or entities as long as (i) such persons/entities are licensed to use Acrobat products and (ii) the copies you make and distribute contain the same copyright and other
1083 proprietary notices that appear on or in this plug-in software.
1084 \n\nAdobe, Acrobat and the Acrobat logo are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated which may be registered in certain jurisdictions.
1085 Author: Marc Kaufman\n\nQuality Assurance: Jonathan Sj¯rdal\n Steve McShurley\n\nManagement: Bob Wulff\n\nMarketing: Rob Babcock\n\nInspiration: Ethan Arutunian
1140 Black
1141 White
1142 Red
1143 Green
1144 Blue
1145 Cyan
1146 Magenta
1147 Yellow
1148 Custom...
1150 Don't Show Poster
1151 Put Poster in Document
1152 Retrieve Poster from Movie
1155 256 Colors
1156 Millions of Colors
1160 Invisible
1161 Thin
1162 Medium
1163 Thick
1164 Solid
1165 Dashed
1170 Play Once then Stop
1171 Play Once, stay Open
1172 Repeat Play
1173 Back and Forth
1180 Save Path Relative to Document
1181 Save Absolute Path
1182 Put Movie in Document
1190 Play
1191 Stop
1192 Pause
1193 Resume
1210 QuickTime Movies (*.mov)@*.mov@All Movies (*.mov;*.avi)@*.mov;*.avi@All Files (*.*)@*.*@@
2017 \nkann nicht gefunden werden. Mˆchten Sie nach einer Ersatzdatei suchen?
2018 QuickTime kann nicht initialisiert werden. ‹berpr¸fen Sie Ihre QuickTime Installation.
2019 Dies ist keine Filmdatei.
2020 Maximale Grˆfle
2021 Filmdatei wird ¸berpr¸ft
2025 Create or edit a Movie Annotation
2026 There are no movies to select on this page.
2027 Click the Select Movie button to choose a movie to play
2028 Select Movie...
2029 Movie:
2031 Sound
2032 Click the Select Sound button to choose a sound to play
2033 Select Sound...
2036 Sorry, only uncompressed sampled sound can be imported
2080 Video f¸r Windows kann nicht initialisiert werden. ‹berpr¸fen Sie Ihre Video f¸r Windows Installation.
2081 F¸r das Acrobat Zusatzmodul Movie gilt das elektronische Endbenutzerlizenzabkommen, das Sie bei der Installation von Acrobat Reader oder Exchange akzeptiert haben. Dar¸ber hinaus kˆnnen Sie unbegrenzt
2082 Kopien des Zusatzmoduls Movie herstellen und unter den folgenden Bedingungen an andere nat¸rliche oder juristische Personen weitergeben: (i) Diese Personen besitzen eine Lizenz f¸r Acrobat-Produkte. (ii)
2083 Die von Ihnen hergestellten und verteilten Kopien enthalten dieselben Copyright-Informationen und rechtlichen Hinweise wie die vorliegende Zusatzmodul-Software.
2084 \n\nAdobe, Acrobat und das Acrobat-Logo sind Warenzeichen der Adobe Systems Incorporated, die in bestimmten Rechtsgebieten eingetragen sein kˆnnen.
2085 Autor: Marc Kaufman\n\nQualit‰tssicherung: Jonathan Sj¯rdal\n Steve McShurley\n\nManagement: Bob Wulff\n\nMarketing: Rob Babcock\n\nIdee: Ethan Arutunian
2140 Schwarz
2141 Weifl
2142 Rot
2143 Gr¸n
2144 Blau
2145 Cyan
2146 Magenta
2147 Gelb
2148 Selbstdefiniert...
2150 Standbild nicht anzeigen
2151 Standbild in Dokument einf¸gen
2152 Standbild aus Film entfernen
2155 256 Farben
2156 Millionen Farben
2160 Unsichtbar
2161 Schmal
2162 Mittel
2163 Breit
2164 Durchgehend
2165 Unterbrochen
2170 Einmal wiedergeben und anhalten
2171 Einmal wiedergeben und offenlassen
2172 Wiedergabe wiederholen
2173 Vor und zur¸ck
2180 Pfad bez¸glich Dokument speichern
2181 Absoluten Pfad speichern
2182 Film in Dokument einf¸gen
2190 Play
2191 Stop
2192 Pause
2193 Resume
2210 QuickTime-Filme (*.mov)@*.mov@Alle Filme (*.mov;*.avi)@*.mov;*.avi@Alle Dateien (*.*)@*.*@@
3017 \nno se encuentra. øBuscar archivo sustitutorio?
3018 Imposible iniciar QuickTime. Compruebe la instalaciÛn QuickTime.
3019 No es una pelÌcula.
3020 TamaÒo m·ximo
3021 Comprobando pelÌcula
3025 Create or edit a Movie Annotation
3026 There are no movies to select on this page.
3027 Click the Select Movie button to choose a movie to play
3028 Select Movie...
3029 Movie:
3031 Sound
3032 Click the Select Sound button to choose a sound to play
3033 Select Sound...
3036 Sorry, only uncompressed sampled sound can be imported
3080 Imposible iniciar VÌdeo para Windows. Compruebe la instalaciÛn VÌdeo para Windows.
3081 El presente plug-in Acrobat Movie est· licenciado en los tÈrminos de la concesiÛn de licencia a usuario final aceptada por Vd. en el momento de la instalaciÛn de Acrobat Reader o Exchange, salvo que Vd.
3082 puede realizar un n˙mero ilimitado de copias de este plug-in y cedÈrselas a otras personas o entidades, siempre y cuando (i) dichas personas o entidades disfruten de licencia para utilizar productos Acrobat y
3083 (ii) las dichas copias hechas y distribuidas por Vd. contengan las mismas advertencias sobre copyright y otras de propiedad contenidas en el software de este plug-in software.
3084 \n\nAdobe, Acrobat y su logotipo son marcas comerciales de Adobe Systems Incorporated, que pueden estar registradas en algunos territorios.
3085 Autor: Marc Kaufman\n\nControl de calidad: Jonathan Sj¯rdal\n Steve McShurley\n\nGerencia: Bob Wulff\n\nMercadotencia: Rob Babcock\n\nInspiraciÛn: Ethan Arutunian
3140 Negro
3141 Blanco
3142 Rojo
3143 Verde
3144 Azul
3145 Cian
3146 Magenta
3147 Amarillo
3148 Personalizado...
3150 No mostrar miniatura
3151 Poner miniatura en documento
3152 Retirar miniatura de pelÌcula
3155 256 colores
3156 Millones de colores
3160 Invisible
3161 Fino
3162 Medio
3163 Grueso
3164 Compacto
3165 Rayado
3170 Reproducir una vez y parar
3171 Reproducir una vez y dejar abierto
3172 Repetir
3173 ReproducciÛn
3180 Guardar ruta con relaciÛn al documento
3181 Guardar ruta absoluta
3182 Poner pelÌcula en documento
3190 Play
3191 Stop
3192 Pause
3193 Resume
3210 PelÌculas en QuickTime (*.mov)@*.mov@Todas las pelÌculas (*.mov;*.avi)@*.mov;*.avi@Todos los archivos (*.*)@*.*@@
4027 Click the Select Movie button to choose a movie to play
4028 Select Movie...
4029 Movie:
4031 Sound
4032 Click the Select Sound button to choose a sound to play
4033 Select Sound...
4036 Sorry, only uncompressed sampled sound can be imported
4080 Impossible d'initialiser Video pour Windows. VÈrifiez votre installation Video pour Windows.
4081 Ce module externe Acrobat Movie est soumis au Contrat de licence Èlectronique pour l utilisateur final que vous avez acceptÈ lorsque vous avez installÈ Acrobat Reader ou Exchange, avec une diffÈrence :
4082 vous pouvez effectuer un nombre illimitÈ de copies du module externe Movie et les distribuer ‡ d autres personnes ou entitÈs sous rÈserve (i) que ces personnes ou entitÈs aient acquis une licence d utilisation
4083 des produits Acrobat et (ii) que les copies que vous distribuez fassent Ètat des mÍmes droits d auteur et autres droits de propriÈtÈ que ceux qui apparaissent dans ou sur le logiciel de ce module externe.
4084 \n\nAdobe, Acrobat et le logo d Acrobat sont des marques d Adobe Systems Incorporated, dÈposÈes dans certaines juridictions.
4085 Auteur: Marc Kaufman\n\nAssurance qualitÈ: Jonathan Sj¯rdal\n Steve McShurley\n\nGestion: Bob Wulff\n\nMarketing: Rob Babcock\n\nInspiration: Ethan Arutunian
4140 Noir
4141 Blanc
4142 Rouge
4143 Vert
4144 Bleu
4145 Cyan
4146 Magenta
4147 Jaune
4148 PersonnalisÈe...
4150 Ne pas afficher
4151 InsÈrer dans le document
4152 Retirer du document
4155 256 couleurs
4156 Millions de couleurs
4160 Invisible
4161 Mince
4162 Moyenne
4163 Epaisse
4164 Plein
4165 Discontinu
4170 Lire une fois, puis fermer
4171 Lire une fois sans fermer
4172 Lire ‡ rÈpÈtition
4173 Lire d'avant en arriËre
4180 Enregistrer le chemin par rapport au document
5027 Click the Select Movie button to choose a movie to play
5028 Select Movie...
5029 Movie:
5031 Sound
5032 Click the Select Sound button to choose a sound to play
5033 Select Sound...
5036 Sorry, only uncompressed sampled sound can be imported
5080 Impossibile inizializzare Video per Windows. Verificare l'installazione Video per Windows.
5081 Questo modulo aggiuntivo Acrobat Movie Ë fornito in base all accordo di licenza elettronico per l utente finale accettato con l installazione di Acrobat Reader o Exchange. » possibile eseguire una quantit‡
5082 illimitata di copie del modulo aggiuntivo Movie e distribuirle ad altri utenti o enti purchÈ (i) questi dispongano di una licenza per l uso dei prodotti Acrobat e (ii) le copie eseguite e distribuite contengano
5083 lo stesso copyright e le altre informazioni relative alla propriet‡ che appaiono su o in questo modulo aggiuntivo.
5084 \n\nAdobe, Acrobat e il logo Acrobat sono marchi registrati di Adobe Systems Incorporated eventualmente registrati in determinate giurisdizioni.
5085 Autore: Marc Kaufman\n\nControlli di qualit‡: Jonathan Sj¯rdal\n Steve McShurley\n\nManagement: Bob Wulff\n\nMarketing: Rob Babcock\n\nIspirazione: Ethan Arutunian
5140 Nero
5141 Bianco
5142 Rosso
5143 Verde
5144 Blu
5145 Cyan
5146 Magenta
5147 Giallo
5148 Personale...
5150 Non mostrare la miniatura
5151 Inserisci la miniatura nel documento
5152 Prendi la miniatura dall'animazione
5155 256 colori
5156 Milioni di colori
5160 Invisibile
5161 Sottile
5162 Medio
5163 Spesso
5164 Pieno
5165 Tratteggiato
5170 Una sola volta
5171 Una sola volta (resta aperto)
5172 Pi˘ volte
5173 Esecuzione continua
5180 Salva percorso relativo al documento
5181 Salva percorso assoluto
5182 Inserisci animazione nel documento
5190 Play
5191 Stop
5192 Pause
5193 Resume
5210 Animaz. QuickTime (*.mov)@*.mov@Tutte le animaz. (*.mov;*.avi)@*.mov;*.avi@Tutti i file (*.*)@*.*@@
6017 \nkan niet gevonden worden. Wilt u een vervangend bestand zoeken?
6018 Kan QuickTime niet initialiseren. Controleer uw QuickTime installatie.
6019 Dit is geen filmbestand.
6020 Maximum omvang
6021 Controleert filmbestand
6025 Create or edit a Movie Annotation
6026 There are no movies to select on this page.
6027 Click the Select Movie button to choose a movie to play
6028 Select Movie...
6029 Movie:
6031 Sound
6032 Click the Select Sound button to choose a sound to play
6033 Select Sound...
6036 Sorry, only uncompressed sampled sound can be imported
6080 Kan Video for Windows niet initialiseren. Controleer uw Video for Windows installatie.
6081 Voor deze insteekmodule Acrobat Movie geldt de Licentie-overeenkomst die u hebt aanvaard tijdens de installatie van Acrobat Reader of Exchange, met uitzondering van het feit dat het u is toegestaan
6082 onbeperkt kopieÎn te maken van de insteekmodule Movie en deze te verspreiden onder andere personen en bedrijven. De enige voorwaarde (i) die hieraan is voorbonden luidt dat deze personen en bedrijven
6083 over een licentie beschikken voor het gebruik van Acrobat produkten en dat (ii) de kopieÎn die u maakt en verspreidt, vergezeld gaan van dezelfde informatie over auteurs- en eigendomsrechten die in of bij
6084 deze insteekmodule hoort.\n\nAdobe, Acrobat en het Acrobat logo zijn handelsmerken van Systems Incorporated die kunnen zijn gedeponeerd in bepaalde rechtsgebieden.
6085 Auteur: Marc Kaufman\n\nKwaliteitsgarantie: Jonathan Sj¯rdal\n Steve McShurley\n\nManagement: Bob Wulff\n\nMarketing: Rob Babcock\n\nConcept: Ethan Arutunian
6140 Zwart
6141 Wit
6142 Rood
6143 Groen
6144 Blauw
6145 Cyaan
6146 Magenta
6147 Geel
6148 Eigen...
6150 Toon miniatuur niet
6151 Plaats miniatuur in document
6152 Koppel miniatuur aan filmbestand
6155 256 kleuren
6156 Miljoenen kleuren
6160 Onzichtbaar
6161 Dun
6162 Middel
6163 Dik
6164 Vast
6165 Stippel
6170 Speel ÈÈn maal en stop
6171 Speel ÈÈn maal en blijf geopend
6172 Herhaal
6173 Vooruit en achteruit
6180 Pad relatief aan document opslaan
6181 Absoluut pad opslaan
6182 Film in document plaatsen
6190 Play
6191 Stop
6192 Pause
6193 Resume
6210 QuickTime films (*.mov)@*.mov@Alle films (*.mov;*.avi)@*.mov;*.avi@Alle bestanden (*.*)@*.*@@
7017 \nkan inte hittas. Vill du sˆka efter en ers‰ttningsfil?
7018 Kan inte starta QuickTime. Kontrollera din installation QuickTime.
7019 Det h‰r ‰r inget filmdokument.
7020 Maximal storlek
7021 Kontrollerar filmdokument
7025 Create or edit a Movie Annotation
7026 There are no movies to select on this page.
7027 Click the Select Movie button to choose a movie to play
7028 Select Movie...
7029 Movie:
7031 Sound
7032 Click the Select Sound button to choose a sound to play
7033 Select Sound...
7036 Sorry, only uncompressed sampled sound can be imported
7080 Kan inte starta Video fˆr Windows. Kontrollera din installation Video fˆr Windows.
7081 Det h‰r insticksprogrammet, Acrobat Movie, ‰r licensierat under den elektroniska Slutanv‰ndarlicens du accepterade n‰r du installerade Acrobat Reader eller Exchange, med undantag fˆr att du fÂr gˆra ett
7082 obegr‰nsat antal kopior av insticksprogrammet Movie och ge dessa kopior till andra personer eller instanser under fˆrbehÂll att (i) sÂdana personer/instanser har licens att anv‰nda Acrobat-produkter och
7083 att (ii) kopiorna du gˆr och delar ut innehÂller samma information om copyright och annan upphovsr‰tt som fˆrekommer p eller i detta insticksprograms programvara.
7084 \n\nAdobe, Acrobat och Acrobats logotyp ‰r varum‰rken tillhˆriga Adobe Systems Incorporated som kan vara registrerade i vissa l‰nder.
7085 Fˆrfattare: Marc Kaufman\n\nKvalitetsgaranti: Jonathan Sj¯rdal\n Steve McShurley\n\nLedning: Bob Wulff\n\nMarknadsfˆring: Rob Babcock\n\nInspiration: Ethan Arutunian
8017 \ncannot be found. Would you like to browse for a replacement file?
8018 Cannot Initialize Quicktime. Check your QuickTime installation.
8019 This is not a Movie File.
8020 Maximum Size
8021 Checking Movie File
8025 Create or edit a Movie Annotation
8026 There are no movies to select on this page.
8027 Click the Select Movie button to choose a movie to play
8028 Select Movie...
8029 Movie:
8031 Sound
8032 Click the Select Sound button to choose a sound to play
8033 Select Sound...
8036 Sorry, only uncompressed sampled sound can be imported
8080 Cannot Initialize Video for Windows. Check your Video for Windows installation.
8081 This Acrobat Movie plug-in is licensed under the Electronic End User License Agreement which you accepted when you installed Acrobat Reader or Exchange, except that you may make unlimited copies of the Movie
8082 plug-in and give copies to other persons or entities as long as (i) such persons/entities are licensed to use Acrobat products and (ii) the copies you make and distribute contain the same copyright and other
8083 proprietary notices that appear on or in this plug-in software.
8084 \n\nAdobe, Acrobat and the Acrobat logo are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated which may be registered in certain jurisdictions.
8085 Author: Marc Kaufman\n\nQuality Assurance: Jonathan Sj¯rdal\n Steve McShurley\n\nManagement: Bob Wulff\n\nMarketing: Rob Babcock\n\nInspiration: Ethan Arutunian
8140 Black
8141 White
8142 Red
8143 Green
8144 Blue
8145 Cyan
8146 Magenta
8147 Yellow
8148 Custom...
8150 Don't Show Poster
8151 Put Poster in Document
8152 Retrieve Poster from Movie
8155 256 Colors
8156 Millions of Colors
8160 Invisible
8161 Thin
8162 Medium
8163 Thick
8164 Solid
8165 Dashed
8170 Play Once then Stop
8171 Play Once, stay Open
8172 Repeat Play
8173 Back and Forth
8180 Save Path Relative to Document
8181 Save Absolute Path
8182 Put Movie in Document
8190 Play
8191 Stop
8192 Pause
8193 Resume
8210 QuickTime Movies (*.mov)@*.mov@All Movies (*.mov;*.avi)@*.mov;*.avi@All Files (*.*)@*.*@@